Navigating new benchmarking requirements for successful project integration :: Navigating new benchmarking requirements for successful project integration :: Daymark Energy Advisors

The power system is rapidly evolving, with an increasing amount of inverter based resources like variable renewable energy generators and battery energy storage systems. In response, several Regional Transmission Organizations and Independent System Operators, particularly ISO New England, ERCOT, and the California ISO, have recently established more stringent generation interconnection requirements. ISO New England has notably revised its Planning Procedure 5-6 (PP5-6) for interconnection of generation and elective transmission upgrades to incorporate the new IEEE 2800 standard (Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) interconnecting with Associated Transmission Electric Power Systems). This standard outlines the minimum interconnection and interoperability requirements for large solar, wind, and storage plants connecting with transmission systems.

The IEEE 2800 and PP5-6 standards are critical as they stipulate the necessary interconnection requirements, essential for maintaining grid stability. These requirements are continually evolving, leaving little to no room for developers or asset owners to control them, as compliance is mandated by FERC.

ISO New England’s updated PP5-6 includes in Appendix B and Appendix C detailed requirements for PSS/E (steady state and dynamic) models and PSCAD models. Additionally, in line with FERC 2023, ISO New England plans to introduce more stringent tests - known as Model Acceptance Tests (MAT) - as a requirement . These MATs will encompass around 15 sets of rigorous tests (e.g., 70 scenarios for a battery energy storage system project) aimed at benchmarking the model against the actual PSCAD plant model and the Power Plant Controller (PPC) provided by OEMs.

A significant procedural change is ISO New England’s shift from a serial (first-come, first-study) process study to a cluster study (first-ready, first-served) approach. This new method offers minimal to no time for developers to address deficiencies identified during the ISO’s model review cycle, which increases the risk of project exclusion. As a result, developers must adopt a more proactive stance during the planning phase, incorporating benchmarking studies earlier on.


Why Benchmarking Matters:

  1. Accuracy: Generic models often fall short in representing actual products. By benchmarking with PSCAD, we identify fidelity gaps in PSS/E models, ensuring precision.
  2. Cross-Platform Differences: Software platforms treat generic models differently. Even seemingly identical parameters across platforms (like PSLF, PSS/E, TSAT, and PowerWorld) can exhibit rare differences. Benchmarking bridges these gaps.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with testing requirements from bodies like ISO New England, ERCOT, and others is paramount. Our comprehensive benchmarking ensures efficient adherence.

To navigate these complexities, Daymark provides valuable assistance throughout the interconnection process, ensuring seamless compliance with industry standards and enhancing the likelihood of project success. Our services include:

  • Plant model development: We create steady state, short-circuit, dynamic, and transient models tailored to your interconnection request.
  • Benchmark analysis: Our experts benchmark PSCAD and PSS/E models to confirm acceptable performance, meeting regulatory standards set by ISO New England, ERCOT, and other organizations.
  • Dynamic model parameterization: We fine-tune the dynamic model parameters to ensure consistency with actual system performance and meet the stringent requirements set by ISOs and transmission providers, where applicable.
  • Detailed documentation: Our comprehensive summary reports cover model parameters and highlight similarities between PSS/E and PSCAD.
  • PSCAD modeling for EMT models: Need PSCAD modeling for EMT (electromagnetic transient) models? Count on us for seamless generation interconnection applications.


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