Happy retirement, John and Phil! :: Happy retirement, John and Phil! :: Daymark Energy Advisors

We are excited to celebrate the retirements and impactful careers of two incredible colleagues, John Athas and Phil DiDomenico.

John joined Daymark nearly two decades ago and in that time contributed greatly to our management team, to our Board, and to countless client engagements, helping utilities, regulators, and large load customers navigate an industry marked by evolving technologies, regulations, and market structures. Over his nearly five-decade career in utilities and consulting, John has provided clients with valuable insights and strategic perspectives on matters including utility resource planning, energy efficiency program design, utility ratemaking, and competitive markets. He invested his time and expertise in utility issues across 30 U.S. states and 6 Canadian provinces, often appearing as an expert before regulatory agencies. 

Phil has been part of our Daymark team for the past 10 years, working with clients to improve the overall effectiveness and operational efficiency of their organizations. He has applied his long experience in utility asset management best practices to power production and power delivery, guiding multi-disciplinary teams in pursuit of higher performing organizations. Phil’s remarkable career spans nearly 50 years, with progressive responsibilities at two east coast electric utilities and multiple utility consulting firms, notably growing Daymark’s service offerings, client relationships, and team expertise in utility planning and procurement.

“For almost two decades, John has been the conscience of Daymark, always concerned about the impact of decisions on the person, not just the bottom line,” said Marc Montalvo, President and CEO. “As a member of my management team, he has been an immense help to me. While I could go on about his contributions to the business, above all, I will miss John’s charm, easy going nature, rambling stories, and his inscrutable Queens accent.”

“Phil is a man after my own heart, a pragmatist in search of a win-win solution. Phil has always had a way of distilling complex commercial and engineering problems into a simple set of choices. I most appreciate how generous he has been with his knowledge, taking many of our young team members under his wing,” Marc added. “I wish John and Phil long and fulfilling retirements.”

Adding to the well wishes, Louisa Lund and Jeff Bower said, “John and Phil have for years been at the heart of Daymark's regulatory economics practice, bringing their industry expertise and analytical acumen to bear to support the regulatory process, with an eye always on ensuring the best value for ratepayers. They have been great complements for each other--John is always pushing to find creative approaches, while Phil keeps us grounded to make sure our ideas can be implemented. They have been project leaders, raconteurs, and above all mentors to more than one generation of Daymarkers. We will miss them very much, but we look forward to keeping in touch with them as they move into retirement, and we wish them the very best.”

We will miss these two team members dearly - their leadership, their experience, and their excellent stories - but we are excited to celebrate their impactful careers and thankful for the contributions they made to our clients and to our team.

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